Info for STC-CCC Faculty & Students

For Graduate students in Biology, Chemistry & Biochemistry.

UCSF website:


This program is designed to prepare SF State students for biomedical research careers by providing a stimulating research environment with academic and financial support. The goal of the program is to prepare each participant for entrance into a competitive graduate program and successful completion of a PhD in the biomedical sciences.

  • $24,000 stipend + In-state Tuition per year of the program for 2-years contingent on successful research progress and completion of academic course work
  • Summer and Academic year research
  • Weekly colloquium
  • Graduate placement activities
  • Travel to a major scientific meeting to share research results

Applicant eligibility:

Must be a SF State student (or are currently applying to become one)
Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
Must commit to research for one year or more


UCSF-SFSU STC Center for Cellular Construction




To access UCSF resources:


Getting to UCSF:


Intercampus exchange program:

  • San Francisco Consortium for UCSF cross-registration, HERE and HERE


STC CCC monthly scholarship checks:

Click here for instructions on Direct Deposit for checks


Other Documents and Articles:

