Scholars are encouraged to present their research at a professional scientific conference or meeting each academic year.
Approval for travel funds is conditional and requires the scholarship director's prior consent.
Scholars need to request the funds for travel at least 60 days ahead of time.
Check out our updated travel request form, now available via Docusign!
Submit the Travel Request Form via DocuSign
This will need to be signed by your Research Mentor AND Program Director
Work with your Research Mentor to complete the budget
Research airfare online.
Determine the conference recommended hotel rate.
Determine registration cost - any early registration discounts?
See this SACNAS page of tips for estimating travel costs to a conference. HERE
The SEO Office Pays for Registration, Airfare and Hotel in Advance of Travel:
Registration - Set up an appointment with an SEO Staff Member to complete registration.
Airfare - Set up an appointment with an SEO staff member to book a flight. Flights must be booked using the SFSU Concur Travel Booking site.
Hotel Reservation
An SEO Staff member will reserve a room at one of the conference recommended hotels, and arrange to cover room & tax. Students should be prepared to show a credit card at check in to cover incidentals - if that is a problem, please let us know.
When multiple SEO scholars attend the same conference, we ask same-gendered students to share rooms, usually 2 students/room.
We can provide lodging for either the night before the conference begins OR the last night of the conference - not both.
Ground Transportation and Food are reimbursable expenses
Ground Transportation - Save your receipts
This is primarily for trips to/from the airport.
SEO scholars should share rides when possible.
Save Uber/Lyft/Taxi receipts and submit via email once you return.
We CANNOT reimburse for any transportation rentals (car, sccoter, E-bike, etc).
Food - No receipts needed
Per diem is determined by conference locations, based on federally established rate
If food is offered at the conference, we will not cover outside food purchases for that meal as part of the per diem. (ex. If the conference provides lunch, we deduct lunch from the total daily per diem)
Travel days are reimbursed at 75% of the conference location rate.
Email the SEO Office your ground transportation receipts, or indicate that you did not incur any ground transportation expenses.
Uber/Lyft receipts should include a map of your trip. If you tip your driver, make sure to submit the receipt that has the tip included.
Reimbursement checks can take 1 - 2 months to be issued, if you have not received your check after 30 days, email us so we can check on the progress of your claim. of June 1, 2021, CSU pandemic-related travel restrictions have ended. Authority and responsibility for SF State travel is now at the campus level. The travel ban has been lifted. Reasonable and necessary travel may resume according to the CSU Travel Policy including the timely submission of an ORSP Request for Authorization to Travel (RAT) form or UCORP Dometstic Travel Authorization (DTA) form before making any travel arrangements.
Travelers are responsible for complying with SF department of Public Health orders and the health orders for their destinations. Travelers should adhere to the latest travel guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Citing Grant Numbers
- Citing grant numbers in posters and presentations HERE
- For citing grant numbers in publications see HERE
LOGOS Available for Use
- A Google Drive folder with official SF State & SEO Office logos available for use HERE. Please feel free to use these on your presentations!
- For UCSF CCC logos, log in to the CCC Member webpages HERE. Ask your faculty research mentor or SEO for the credentials.
Poster & Presentation Tips
Poster making & Presentation tips: HERE
- Free Poster printing through the Biology Department printer (Currently located on HH 1st floor, not HH 509. Borrow the key from the Biology Stockroom during regular stockroom hours.)
- Poster printing in the Cesar Chavez Student Union, Ctrl+P Print Shop (Room M110) and a recent price list from Ctrl+P
- Poster printing though the SF State Library Digital Media Studio/Maker Space (Lib 280)
- Poster printing through OfficeMax/Office Depot on Geary Blvd. at Arguello Blvd. and poster printing prices (Call for instructions.)
Sample Conferences for SEO Scholars
- SF State COSE Student Project Showcase
- California State University Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology (CSUPERB) Symposium
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science Conference (SACNAS)
- Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)
- The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) Cell Bio Conference
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAS)
- American Chemical Society Meeting (ACS)
- American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB)
- GSA Conferences
- GSA Drosophila
Other Sources of Funding for Travel
- Check to see if the conference or meeting has a travel scholarship for which you can apply. Some conferences restrict your eligibility for a travel scholarship if you are already funded by an NIH grant.
- Check out the CSUPERB Student Travel Grant Program with deadlines in the Fall and Spring.
- Watch for the COSE Dean's Office IRA Travel Award application with a deadline in September of each year.