For students majoring in Biology, Chemistry & Biochemistry.
Deadline: March 30, 2025. Application link HERE.
Purpose: To prepare SF State students for STEM careers by providing a stimulating research environment with academic and financial support. No research experiences required, just a passion for STEM.
Year 1 total scholarship = $4,700 stipend & tuition
- Summer Bridge for 8 weeks (Students receive $2,000) before starting freshman year
During the summer before Freshman year, students take:
- Pre-calculus (Math 199)
- Preparation for College Chemistry (Chem 100)
During the academic year (September to May) scholars receive $300/month stipend to participate in scholarship activities
Year 2 total scholarship = $5,700 stipend & tuition
• Summer directed research at SF State after Freshman year ($1,000/month for 3 months)
During the academic year (September to May) scholars receive $300/month stipend:
• Participate in scholarship activities as long as supported by the program
• Eligibility to apply for Junior/Senior Scholarships with paid tuition and stipend
**Over $25,000 Scholarship/2 years**
Applicant eligibility:
Must be a SF State student (or currently applying to become one)
Must be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, DACA, or AB540
Must commit to research for one year or more
Must also apply to the SF State Metro Academy. See more information and how to apply HERE.
The online application is HERE.
The scholarship is awarded on contingency of matriculation at SF State.
We strongly encourage you to apply on-line, however if you are unable to do so please contact the SEO Office ( for an alternate, paper application packet.
Metro College Partnership
All students applying for the Genentech Foundation Freshman Scholarship must also apply to the SF State Metro Academy. See more information HERE.
The SEO programs are designed to prepare students from underrepresented groups including those with disabilities for advanced biomedical degrees by providing financial support, academic support and stimulating research experiences.