SEO Alumni Entering PhD Programs
See SEO alums who are entering PhD programs this year HERE.
See prior SEO alums who entered PhD programs in recent years. Past SEO Scholars in PhD Programs
Graduate Program Application Guidelines
Fee Waiver Information
Some institutions give application fee waivers only for a demonstrated financial need, but others give fee waivers based on participating in certain educational programs. (The RISE and Bridge programs are part of the NIH MBRS program.) If you need a verification letter for a fee waiver to apply to a graduate program, contact the SEO Office. If you are a Genentech Foundation Scholar, see the Genentech webpage.
- SF State does NOT have fee waivers for MS applications.
- UCSF fee waiver information
- UC Berkeley fee waiver information
- Stanford University fee waiver information
- (Project 1,000 Applications are no longer available)

Adios GREs!
Based on the current literature it is clear the general Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is biased against women and minorities and also lacks predictive value. We support dropping the use of the GRE in applications and review of applicants to STEM graduate programs. To this end, we participate in the efforts to remove GRE requirements at all graduate programs in STEM. The NSF has dropped the use of the GREs from consideration of the NSF GRFP application and NIH has dropped the GRE from both T-32 and F-31 fellowship applications.
A running list (GRExit) of all the graduate (MS & PhD) programs who have dropped the GRE requirement is available. GRExit: For biomedical programs and another has been started for physics programs and for chemistry programs.
Beyond the GRE
Finding effective ways to include students who will thrive in STEM PhD programs with or without GRE test scores. See the webpage
Other Graduate School Resources
- Institute for Broadening Participation - a website to increase diversity in the STEM workforce by connecting underrepresented students with STEM funding and research opportunities.
- Undergraduate scholarships and tips on applying
- Graduate fellowships and tips on applying
- Video tutorial on how to use the IBP advanced search page
Internships and Postdoc Opportunities
Research internships and postdoc opportunities