Tuition Information

Some SEO Fellowships include partial or full tuition. Refer to your scholarship award letter for the tuition detials.

The SEO Office will submit a fee deferment request to the Bursar's Office before the first tuition deadline so that students will not be dropped from the classes for which they have registered. In Gateway, your amount owed will change to a "Third Party" waiver before the first tuition deadline. For those students that owe a portion of their tuition, they need to pay their portion by the tuition deadlines or they will owe a $20 late fee. The SEO Office will then be billed for the scholarship portion of the tuition after the last day to add classes has passed (the fourth week of classes).

For those students who have a Financial Aid package that includes a grant for tuition, your amount owed in Gateway will say "Financial Aid" instead of "Third Party." The Bursar's Office will charge your financial aid award first and then charge any remaining tuition to your SEO scholarship.

See the Bursar's Office - Student Information webpage for tuition deadlines

The SF State Bursar's Office also has a tuition installment plan option for the student's portion of the tuition:

Out-of-State Tuition and Residency Reclassification

Generally, SEO Fellowships include the in-state and out-of-state portion of tuition for only the first year of an MS program. For the second year at SF State, students are responsible for the out-of-state portion of the tuition. Students new to California should save money accordingly for year two, and/or apply for Residency Reclassification as soon as eligible. Residency Reclassification is not guaranteed after living in CA for one year, but it might be approved for year two, or if needed year three of a degree program.

See the FAQs HERE and HERE.

SIRF Fee of $2.00

Student Involvement and Representation (SIRF) Optional** = $2.00. SEO scholarships do not cover this optional fee. 

**The SIRF (Student Involvement and Representation Fee) can be opted out of in the Student Center (Gateway). Find the "Finances" section of the page, click through the drop-down menu and select "Account Activity" to find the date the SIRF fee posted for the semester the charge was placed on the account and click the "OPT OUT" toggle button to follow the click-through instructions. If you have trouble completing the opt-out process, please contact the Bursar's Office at or at 415-338-1281 for assistance.

Priority Registration

Undergraduate students with an SEO scholarship receive a priority registration date. Please try to sign up for as many classes as you need by your first registration deadline, because it can become harder to enroll in key classes as the registration period progresses. For advising on which classes to take and in which order, you can talk with your scholarship director. Priority registration is not available for the first semester at SF State. Students new to SF State have to participate in an orientation first before they are assigned a regular registration date. However, for any semester after your first semester you will benefit from a priority registration date.